
Field Expeditions


自从学校成立以来, the VVS Field Trip program is the most unique and significant venture we undertake. 它肯定了我们的基本价值观. Travel can be the most rewarding form of introspection, taking us not only outward, but inward as well. Education can be a blend of reflection and action, study and experience, thought and feeling.
Many schools offer field expeditions, but none do it the way we do at VVS. 从学校开始, students have been exposed to the study of people and their creations, and have an added opportunity to find out about other cultures through fieldwork and immersion. 自1948年我们第一次实地考察以来,让学生走出他们的日常环境,参与到一种不同于他们自己的文化中一直是我们实地考察背后的指导力量. 去美国西南部的一些旅游路线之外的地方旅行是我们计划旅行时的指南. The outdoors play an extensive role in trip planning as well, 有延长的攀岩停留时间, kayaking, hiking and camping. 旅行的第三个重要组成部分是服务项目,每个学生都是其中不可或缺的一部分.


List of 34 items.

  • Borderlands 2023

    John Sheedy & Zane Dickey 

    这次旅行将向学生们介绍图森周边边境地区丰富的环境和文化, Bisbee and Agua Prieta, 探索边境的多个视角.  这次旅行将从图森出发, Arizona and students will cross the border several times into Agua Prieta and Naco, Sonora to participate in important cultural exchanges with schools, fair trade organizations, and art cooperatives. 学生也将参与跨文化, sustainability, and service projects with organizations such as Sierra Club, and Rancho Feliz, a local NGO. 
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  • Canyonlands 2023

    Chris Bolton & Lianne Lydum 

    This expedition explores the richness of life in canyonlands from within the canyon walls, 而不是从上面看. 我们会住在埃斯卡兰特的船舱里, UT so we can explore the amazing slot canyons of Grand Staircase/Escalante National Monument. We’ll hike Bryce Canyon National Park and Zion National Park. We’ll camp at Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park in Utah, 哪一个晚上是我们的总部. While there, we’ll take a crack at sandboarding down the pink sand dunes. 我们将在“最好的朋友动物保护区”做两天志愿者,这是世界上最大的禁止杀戮的动物保护区. And we’ll hike Buckskin Gulch in the Paria Wilderness before heading to Lees Ferry, 在科罗拉多河上进行10英里的皮艇之旅. Adventure awaits!
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  • Costa Rica 2023

    Caroline Diehl & Lindsay Wellman
    VVS unfortunately had to cancel the Guatemala FE last week due to ongoing civil unrest.  In an effort to still be able to offer those students an immersive, mission-aligned, 在西班牙语国家的国际FE, 我们决定转向哥斯达黎加. Caroline and Lindsay both have personal and professional experience leading trips in Costa Rica.  The new FE is focused less on service and more on environmental sustainability, although there still is a cultural immersion and service component.  For that segment, we will be partnering with Costa Rica Explorations and be based in Turrialba.  我们将在当地一所小学教美术, share a presentation about our community and life in AZ, 在乡村公共汽车站的墙上画壁画, 和同龄人一起踢足球,上舞蹈课.   We will also spend 6 nights at a completely off-the-grid eco resort,, 我们将在哪里了解雨林, agroecology, natural energy production, and organic gardening.  We'll also have opportunities to tend to the animals, do daily yoga, hike, swim and make chocolate, soap, and cheese.  然后,我们将探索别霍港周围的加勒比海岸,参观美洲虎救援中心和避难所,  and Cahuita National Park, We'll end our trip with world class white water rafting on the Pacuare River with  
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  • Crossing the Rift 2023

    Caleb Kulfan & Jacob Jeffery

    一个经典的VVS实地考察的重生, Crossing the Rift’s goal is to ground students in the spirituality of place and service. We’ll explore the Rio Grande Rift Valley in New Mexico and Colorado, 无论是自然景观还是精神暗流,它们都灌输给了居住在那里的人们. 在继续前往陶斯探索地球飞船和其他当地项目之前,我们将在里约查马峡谷中遥远的沙漠中的基督修道院停留. 我们将在克莱斯顿度过第二周, Colorado, 参观各种宗教和精神机构,这些机构从该地区崎岖的山脉和广阔的山谷中获得灵感. 学生们将每天练习瑜伽, meditation, and mindfulness practices that align with each communities’ traditions. 我们还将带来乐器和其他艺术工具,这样我们就可以产生我们自己的音景, poetry, art, etc. from our experience. 我们也许不是在攀登山峰,但我们每天都在攀登心灵的山峰.
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  • Desert Dwellers 2023

    Andy Gill & Kate Stanley 

    大峡谷最好的背包旅行之一其实不在大峡谷国家公园.  One of the major tributaries of the Colorado River, Kanab Creek is the largest tributary canyon system on the north side of the Grand Canyon. From its origin about 50 miles north in southern Utah, Kanab Creek has cut a network of gorges with vertical walls deep into the plateau. In the creek bottom are walls sculpted by wind and water into a maze of fins, knobs, and potholes, 被河岸植被包围的.  这次旅行探索卡纳布溪荒野地区, 深入卡纳布河, navigating across open desert and rock-filled plateaus, 穿过狭窄的峡谷. This challenging 50+ mile itinerary will allow for a combination of tranquility, beauty, solitude and reflection.
  • 大峡谷背包旅行2023

    John Chorlton & Leigh Carter 

    学生们将带着一周徒步旅行所需的一切进入世界上最具标志性的景观之一, camping, 吃东西和探索大峡谷. 这个小组将练习不留痕迹露营,同时以步行的速度学习峡谷的魔力. The days will be filled with challenging hikes from campsite to campsite, fun meals, 同志情谊和深厚的修养. The nights will be spent under the stars and the shadows of the great walls of the canyon. This expedition is a VVS classic and sure to bring stories for a lifetime.
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  • Solitude 2023

    Kaylyn Oates & Mike Spielman 

    This journey will explore the wilderness of Capitol Reef National Park. We will be backpacking through Upper and Lower Muley Twist Canyon. Midway through our journey, students will spend 48 hours of this experience on "solo", 与大自然的原始力量独处一段时间. 在这段时间里,学生将自力更生, setting up camp, preparing meals and reflecting on their place in the Universe.
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  • Wilderscapes 2023

    Todd Richardson & Kristen Tobin 

    Seeking to combine visual art with natural scenic beauty, wilderscape将探索新墨西哥州的野生空间,从圣达菲到吉拉荒野-美国第一个指定的荒野保护区. 我们将从圣菲开始,在那里,一个繁荣的艺术社区坐落在高高的沙漠山脉之间. 我们将在小径和城市街道上徒步探索风景,然后在世界著名的喵狼圣达菲停留. This exhibit is an artistic experience that cannot be easily described. 从那里,我们将向南旅行到吉拉,在那里我们将准备一个多日的背包旅行,将包括溪流, ponderosa forests, 巨大的沙漠高地草地, unique rock formations, native cliff dwellings, and hot springs. 学生们将获得速写本和其他艺术制作用品,并可以在旅行的每一天徒步旅行,同时在实地创作艺术作品. 这些作品将展示维护这些野生空间的重要性,并将在我们回来后的野外探险博览会上展出.
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  • 亚利桑那足迹:遗产 & Service 2022

    • AZ Footprint seeks to enhance students' understanding of the biodiversity, culture, 它丰富了亚利桑那州南部的现代景观,同时注重VVS的环境管理原则, 体力劳动的价值, and service to others. 我们的旅程从在卡奇纳洞穴州立公园的一晚开始,在那里我们将参观一个原始的活洞穴系统.  从那里,我们将前往坐落在奇里卡华山脉的历史悠久的拉克营地,度过四个晚上.  While at Camp Rucker, 我们将与VVS明矾和尊敬的林务局考古学家一起完成历史保护项目, Chris Schrager.  然后我们将在比斯比度过一段时间(3晚), Tucson (3 nights), 以及周边地区的重要景点.  其中包括白水拉野生动物区, 墨西哥和美国的边境墙, the San Pedro River, the Dragoon Mountains, the Bisbee Mining Museum, Coronado National Monument, 亚利桑那索诺兰沙漠博物馆, El Presidio San Agustin del Tucson and Catalina State Park.  Poet, Logan Philips, will help us put our experience on the page as we think about all this region has shown us.
  • 亚利桑那足迹:遗产 & Service 2023

    Beth Suby & Noah Suby 

    AZ Footprint seeks to enhance students' understanding of the biodiversity, culture, 它丰富了亚利桑那州南部的现代景观,同时注重VVS的环境管理原则, 体力劳动的价值, and service to others. 我们的旅程从在卡奇纳洞穴州立公园的一晚开始,在那里我们将参观一个原始的活洞穴系统.  从那里,我们将前往坐落在奇里卡华山脉的历史悠久的拉克营地,度过四个晚上.  While at Camp Rucker, 我们将与VVS明矾和尊敬的林务局考古学家一起完成历史保护项目, Chris Schrager.  然后我们将在比斯比度过一段时间(3晚), Tucson (3 nights), 以及周边地区的重要景点. 其中包括:白水拉野生动物区, 墨西哥和美国的边境墙, the Dragoon Mountains, the Bisbee Mine Tour, Coronado National Monument, 亚利桑那索诺兰沙漠博物馆, Catalina State Park, Mission Gardens和Juan de Anza Trail. 
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  • Canyonlands 2022

    This expedition explores the richness of life in Canyonlands from within the canyon walls, 而不是从上面看. 我们将在沙岛娱乐区露营, 沿着圣胡安河沿岸,探索熊耳国家纪念碑周围地区丰富的土著文化. 我们会住在埃斯卡兰特的船舱里, UT so we can explore the amazing slot canyons of Grand Staircase/Escalante National Monument. 我们将在大峡谷北缘下方扎营,探索远离人迹罕至的峡谷. 当我们在大峡谷的时候, 我们将与国家公园护林员合作开展一些服务项目,以回馈这片雄伟的地区. And finally, 我们将在胡佛水坝附近露营,在一天的皮划艇之旅中从水中探索峡谷.
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  • Guatemala 2022

    在危地马拉,我们将与construcu Casa ( to construct two homes for families that are currently living in inadequate tin shacks. The families will work alongside us to build their new homes, 让我们有幸见证并成为偏远土著村庄社区的一员. After Constru Casa, we will take a spectacular overnight trip to ascend the dormant volcano, Acatenango. 从我们在阿卡特南戈的营地, 我们将看到附近的富埃戈火山向夜空喷射炽热的熔岩.  然后我们将与Fotokids ( on stunning Lake Atitlan with indigenous teens that are being taught to use cameras, video and graphic design to create brighter futures for themselves and their communities. 最后一天我们将在卡米诺塞古罗(http://www.safepassage.org了解他们开发的强大的项目,为居住在危地马拉城垃圾场的家庭提供服务. 我们希望这次旅行能点燃学生们拥抱新文化的热情,并理解为什么他们必须找到服务和改善我们世界的方法.  They will have an opportunity to live our mission by focusing on international understanding, world citizenship, 为他人服务和体力劳动的价值.
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  • Pueblo Archaeology 2022

    Students will gain an appreciation and deeper understanding of ancient architecture, rock art, ceramics, and other artifacts considered “footprints” of Ancestral Puebloans. The journey begins on Ute tribal land in southern Colorado, 然后爬过犹他州的峡谷和悬崖, and finally ends with a service project at a contemporary Hopi farm near Kykotsmovi, AZ. 这次旅行包括每天徒步到偏远的悬崖住所和岩石艺术遗址,学习不同的文化. A highlight of this trip is the inclusion of Native American voices, as our trip will be joined at various points by cultural experts from the Ute, Navajo, and Hopi tribes.
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  • SoCal Ecosystems 2022

    This Field Expedition explores the various ecosystems of SoCal (Southern California), 从莫哈韦沙漠盆地, 穿过栖息的针叶林,000 feet on sky islands, 到太平洋海岸的海带森林.  将有三个主要站点, 地理上彼此靠近的, but worlds apart in terms of landscape and biodiversity: Fairview Mountain, 就在圣贝纳迪诺北部, Catalina Island, 在洛杉矶海岸附近, 和爱德怀附近的圣哈辛托峰.  在每个地点都会有户外活动, service projects, 生态/人类学探索, and a creative project.  For instance, 在美景山,我们将攀岩, 和当地的登山团体一起登山吗, and sketch, 在卡特琳娜我们将浮潜, clean-up the dive park, 探索当地的植物园, 从自然中创造静物艺术, 在爱德怀,我们将沿着太平洋屋脊步道(Pacific Crest Trail)的一段路进行一夜的背包冒险,圣哈辛托山834英尺的山顶, 沿途拍摄风景照片.
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  • Solitude 2022

    This journey will explore a remote, watery canyon in the heart of Southern Utah.  The group will spend seven nights backpacking through Paria Canyon and in the Buckskin Gulch, 世界上最长的可通航峡谷. Midway through our journey, students will spend 48 hours of this experience on "solo", 与大自然的原始力量独处一段时间. 在这段时间里,学生将自力更生, setting up camp, preparing meals and reflecting on their place in the Universe.
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  • Sonora Sur 2022

    During the Sonora Sur trip, students will experience what life is like for people their age in a different culture, through interactive and collaborative activities in northern Mexico. After making our way down through the state of Sonora, 南部城市纳沃霍, 学生将与El Tec预备学校的青少年合作,通过扩展的设计思维研讨会解决社会问题. 学生们将通过一日游到山城阿拉莫斯体验索诺拉的生态,进一步探索跨境联系, and the archaeological site Tehelibampo along the Mayo river. 在回边境的路上, we will stop in Guaymas and San Carlos along the Sea of Cortez, where we will enjoy the views of rocky mountains along the blue ocean water, 徒步穿越纳卡普尔峡谷.
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  • 可持续发展和边境之地2022

    这次旅行将向学生们介绍图森周边边境地区丰富的环境和文化, Bisbee and Agua Prieta, 探索边境的多个视角.  这次旅行将从图森出发, Arizona and students will cross the border several times into Agua Prieta and Naco, Sonora to participate in important cultural exchanges with schools, fair trade organizations, and art cooperatives.  学生还将与图森的组织一起参与跨文化可持续发展项目, 在边境种植树木.
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  • 西部的水:气候变化2021

    • 《MG冰球突破官网》是一次实地考察,让学生沉浸在围绕我们最宝贵资源的壮丽景观和复杂问题中. With the Colorado River Watershed serving as the focal point of our trip, 我们将探索生态, cultural, and socio-political aspects of this lifeblood of the Southwest. Students will spend four days backpacking through Grand Gulch, followed by four days and three nights traveling the San Juan River on rafts and kayaks. 徒步到地质景观和具有历史和文化意义的地方将给参与者一个接地到位. 这次旅行的目的是恢复和改善西南沙漠的河岸和水生生态系统.
  • Catalina Island: Overland & Undersea 2021

    • 这次实地考察发生在卡塔利娜岛, one of the beautiful Channel Islands off the Southern California coast, and is split into two distinct parts; one exploring the unique terrestrial island ecosystem, and one exploring the coastal waters and kelp forests of the edge of the Pacific Ocean.  在旅行的第一部分,学生将参加一个开放水域的水肺课程(相当于PADI/NAUI),以试图获得他们的开放水域认证(有游泳), health-related, 以及在线作业(本课程的先决条件).  In the second half of the trip we will tackle the Trans-Catalina Trail, backpacking the 30-mile length of the island from north to south.  这两个完全不同但互补的活动——潜水和背包旅行——将让我们完全沉浸在这个非常特别的地方, emerging with new skills, certifications, and accomplishments.
  • 大峡谷背包旅行2022

    • 学生们将带着一周徒步旅行所需的一切进入世界上最具标志性的景观之一, camping, 吃东西和探索大峡谷. 这个小组将练习不留痕迹露营,同时以步行的速度学习峡谷的魔力. The days will be filled with challenging hikes from campsite to campsite, fun meals, 友情和深厚的成就. The nights will be spent under the stars and the shadows of the great walls of the canyon. This expedition is a VVS classic and sure to bring stories for a lifetime.
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  • Colorado Sustainability & Sense of Place 2021

    • 这次旅行将以约翰在杜兰戈的房产为基地,我们在那里有三英亩土地和一所稻草屋,毗邻国家森林和瀑布溪考古区. 学生们将在我们的营地露营时学习稻草捆的建造和可持续性, which was once inhabited by the Ancestral Puebloan cliff dwellers of the region. Students will take on a sustainability project such as building a pizza oven on the property, while learning about the Ancient Puebloan culture that was present in the valley 800 years ago.  具有挑战性的日间徒步旅行和短途旅行可以包括导游远足到瀑布溪考古区, 科罗拉多小径的日间徒步旅行, 从房子半英里处开始, 梅萨维德一日游, and a day hike to the Canyon of the Ancients near Cortez. The trip will conclude with a pizza party cooked in the oven that students build.
  • Death Hollow Solitude 2021

    • 这个独特而强大的旅程探索了沙漠的力量,让人遐想和沉思.  这群人将在帕里亚峡谷和犹他州的鹿皮峡谷徒步旅行七个晚上, 世界上最长的可通航峡谷. The backpack begins near Page on the Utah/ Arizona border. Midway through our journey, Students will spend 48 hours of this experience on "solo", 在大自然的原始力量下独自度过一天. Students will be largely self-reliant during this time, preparing meals & camp for themselves.
  • Pueblo Archaeology 2021

    • Students will gain an appreciation and deeper understanding of ancient architecture, rock art, ceramics, and other artifacts considered “footprints” of Ancestral Puebloans. The journey begins on Ute tribal land in southern Colorado, 然后爬过犹他州的峡谷和悬崖, and finally ends with a service project at a contemporary Hopi farm near Kykotsmovi,AZ. The trip includes daily hikes to archaeological sites, art journaling skills, 还有3天的徒步旅行. A highlight of this trip is the inclusion of Native American voices, as our trip will be joined at various points by cultural experts from the Ute, Navajo, and Hopi tribes.
  • Wilderscapes: Art & 2021年圣菲荒野

    • 将丰富的荒野景观艺术遗产与新墨西哥州北部强大的当地艺术场景相结合, Art & the Santa Fe Wilderness seeks to immerse students creatively, physically, and culturally in the rich tradition of American Western Art.. Students will spend four days exploring the Santa Fe mountains on day hikes, 在前线维持一个大本营. Students will then transition to a four-day, 25 mile backpack through the Taos area wilderness. All the while, 学生们将追随边疆艺术家的脚步,他们对美国西部的生动描绘激发了拓荒者的灵感, filmmakers, 还有来自世界各地的勘探者. 每个学生将每天完成艺术作品,最终将在素描展览中展出, watercolors, photographs, and other forms of artistic design they completed in the wild.
  • This Land Is Our Land 2021

    • This expedition explores the fight for public land in Southeastern and Central Utah. Indigenous peoples, ranching, mining, and recreational enthusiasts each share a claim to this land with their unique perspectives. 我们将在熊耳国家纪念碑露营, Escalante, UT, 和布莱斯峡谷国家公园,探索这些社区面临的各种各样的、经常是激烈的问题. We’ll be hiking through beautiful slot canyons and breathtaking scenery. We’ll visit ancient indigenous ruins, natural rock arches, dinosaur tracks and petrified forests. 我们将骑马穿过布莱斯峡谷,在满月的照耀下徒步穿过国家公园.
  • On The Edge

    • Combines community service, environmental stewardship, physical labor, and outdoor experiential education as students spend time camping, mountain biking, and rock climbing in two Southern Utah areas: Moab and Kanab.
      In Moab, 重点是户外体验教育, team building, and camping, while in Kanab it’s on community service at the Best Friends Animal Shelter. 在这里,学生完成几个与动物有关的工作项目,同时了解被忽视和被遗弃的动物. While camping near Best Friends at Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park, 学生们继续致力于团队建设, camp craft, 以及环保意识.
  • Guatemala

    • Introduced in 2018, this international Field Trip sees students exploring the culture, history, and diverse landscapes of Antigua and the Lake Atitlan region of Guatemala.  For the service component, the group will construct two homes for indigenous families in the village of Xepatan; work with students in Santiago studying with Fotokids, a non-profit organization breaking the cycle of poverty through training in photography, visual arts, and technology; visit Camino Seguro (Safe Passage) which provides education and training to the Guatemala City garbage dump community, 远足阿卡特南戈火山. 
  • Grand Canyon

    • is one of the most physically and mentally demanding Field Trips at VVS. After a service project for the National Park Service, 学生们进入峡谷, covering over 5,000 feet of descent, 肩上装有食物的背包, clothing, 还有未来10天的必需品. Students cover over 50 miles, as well as an additional 25 miles of day hikes. 在最后一天,他们上升超过4000英尺. In return, 学生们将接触到北美一些最令人叹为观止的风景,包括峡谷的边缘,  令人印象深刻的峡谷和瀑布, 在科罗拉多河游泳.

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  • 探索阿纳萨齐人和霍皮人

    • 在旅行的前半段, 学生们一天徒步前往科罗拉多州和犹他州南部的许多古老的阿纳萨齐遗址和岩石艺术遗址, 晚上在星空下露营时. 尤特山部落公园位于科罗拉多州西南部, 科尔特斯附近是学生们徒步进入狮子峡谷并在导游的带领下参观悬崖民居的第一站. Next stop is Bluff, Utah where Jerome West, 一个66届的VVS校友, will guide students hiking to remote sites that are rarely visited. 

      旅程的后半部分探索亚利桑那州东北部的霍皮保留地,学生们被安置在Kykotsmovi村的一座教堂里. The days are spent on substantial work projects in the villages, 帮助家庭收割玉米, and chopping firewood. Other highlights include a visit to a Kachina doll maker and a Hopi potter, 了解霍皮文化.
  • Sonoran Explorations

    • 学生探索自然, food, art, and cultures of urban and rural areas of the Sonoran Desert of southern Arizona. 他们参加亡灵节游行, 在永续农业农场工作, eat a cactus, encounter animals, hike canyons and peaks, 观看双鱼座上的日落, 和另一个社区的年轻人一起做一幅壁画. 这次旅行的服务部分包括与Chris Schrager一起进行土坯修复工作项目, VVS ‘69, 谁在美国林务局工作.
  • Yellowstone

    • 这次冒险将带领学生穿越犹他州南部的峡谷,到达黄石国家公园的北部. 旅程的前半部分探索了峡谷地国家公园和圣拉斐尔海湾独特的岩层和狭缝峡谷. 然后,旅程转移到黄石国家公园的拉马尔山谷,在那里,学生们志愿与黄石研究所一起探索地热池和偏远地区,寻找并了解野牛和狼.
  • California Ecosystems

    • Explores the various ecosystems of Southern California, 从莫哈韦沙漠盆地 穿过栖息的针叶林,在棕榈泉上空1000英尺, to the rocky Channel Islands off the coast of Santa Barbara.  There are three main stops: Joshua Tree National Park, Santa Cruz Island and San Jacinto peak near Palm Springs. 在约书亚树国家公园和圣克鲁斯岛,学生们参加生态服务项目和许多户外活动,包括沿着太平洋屋脊步道的一段徒步旅行到圣哈辛托峰的顶部.

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  • 沙漠居民/埃斯卡兰特

    • The Escalante Canyons include some of the most remote, wild, 西南部美丽的乡村,为科罗拉多高原的沙漠徒步旅行提供了一些最好的机会.  这次旅行遵循了一条经典的延伸背包路线,沿着哈里斯沃什到达与埃斯卡兰特河的汇合处, which is followed downstream for several miles to Coyote Gulch, 美丽的出口支流. 曾经是祖先普韦布洛人家园的侧峡谷被探索,并提供了一个短暂的单人营地.  This 50+ mile loop allows for a combination of tranquility, beauty, 孤独和反思以及背着沉重的背包在崎岖的地形上对身体的极端挑战. Leave No Trace principles will be taught and modeled throughout, and campsites, trails, and trailheads will be improved as students pass through this stunning wilderness area.

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  • Crestone: Spirituality & Sustainability

    • 在这次旅行的第一周, 体力劳动和环境管理是学生们在陶斯的Earthship Biotecture花一周时间建造一种激进形式的可持续住房的首要任务, New Mexico. 剩下的时间在克莱斯顿度过, Colorado, 在哪里,各种宗教团体和寺院教派建立了朝觐者和寻求者的中心. 目的地包括一座佛教禅堂, a Catholic monastery, and an Ashram where daily activities explore service, meditation, 以及跨文化理解.

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Verde Valley School is an 国际学士学位 boarding and day high school for students in grades 9-12.
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